Stakeholder Day held on the 25th of March 2024
It was highly informative for us to hear your questions, wishes and ideas about the competence center. Insights of the stakeholder day are summarized in this blog post here.
We are encouraged to continue building “SwissAnon” and look forward to a fruitful collaboration in the future. We would like to take this opportunity to ask you once again to take part in our survey if you have not already done so. To keep up to date with our further developments, publications and blog posts, we would like to regularly update you via a newsletter. Please indicate if you do not want that. Alternatively, check our website from time to time.
The slides of the stakeholder day can be found here.

The aim of the Stakeholder Data Anonymization Day is to present our SNSF project and to create the opportunity to explore synergies between our research project and your interests. We would like to use this opportunity to discuss potential collaborations and to introduce you to the Swiss Data Anonymization Center, which is being set up in parallel to the SNSF project, and to involve you if necessary - the most effective way of doing this will be another point of discussion.
In addition, this half-day offers an ideal platform for the exchange of experiences and ideas in the field of data anonymization and data synthesis. We are convinced that the dialog between our research partners and stakeholders will lead to a deeper understanding of the current challenges and opportunities in this area.
Agenda of the Stakeholder Data Anonymization Day:
- Welcome and presentation of the SNSF Bridge Discovery project
- Presentation of the Swiss Data Anonymization Center (note: website under construction)
- Discussion of potential joint activities and opportunities for cooperation
- Exchange of experiences and networking, apero
Note: Most of the Stakeholders have been contacted directly for this day, if you are interested in attending and haven’t been invited yet, please get in touch via e-mail here.